Midtown & Theater District

Arts & Entertainment

10 of the Most 'New York' Moments on 'Seinfeld'

May 30, 2016 10:20am | Updated May 30, 2016 10:20am

This Tuesday marks the 26th anniversary of the NBC premiere of "Seinfeld," a sitcom famously about nothing.

Set in the New York City of its day, the TV show followed the haphazard, often amoral adventures of four quirky friends as they navigated the minor frustrations of metropolitan living.

That formula obviously appealed to a broad audience, the series' finale bringing in a whopping 76.3 million viewers in 1998. Acquired by Hulu for roughly $160 million last year, the show is now reaching a whole new generation of viewers who grew up streaming their television online.

Below we present 10 of some of "Seinfeld's" most quintessentially "New York" moments, the kind that, to this day, capture essential truths about the people who live in this city and their values:

