Park Slope, Windsor Terrace & Gowanus

Arts & Entertainment

UPDATE: Recovery of Lost Brooklyn Drone Affirms Owner's Faith in Humanity

June 17, 2015 7:33am | Updated June 17, 2015 7:33am
A DJI Phantom 2 drone. This model of drone was recently lost and found in Windsor Terrace. The owner is a filmmaker using the drone to create an art project.
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The drone that was lost over Windsor Terrace on Sunday has been found safe and sound, giving its owner renewed faith in humanity, he told DNAinfo New York.

Drone owner Dan, who didn't want his last name used, was reunited with his flying machine after neighbors spotted it near Sherman Street and Reeve Place.

Dan said the drone's recovery made him glad he lives in Windsor Terrace. "It's a great neighborhood," he said. "I'm very happy that people are nice. It was nice to see that people are still people."

Dan was flying the drone from his rooftop near Prospect Park on Sunday when heavy winds forced him to bring the airborne device in for an abrupt landing on the street. By the time he got there, the drone was gone. Dan's wife reported the missing machine to the blog Kensington BK and on Craigslist.

Dan was worried his $699 DJI Phantom 2 and GoPro camera had been stolen, but it turned out a woman walking her dog spotted the drone when it touched down on Sunday afternoon, he said. She was afraid to touch the device, but alerted her neighbors, one of whom brought it inside.

The man who rescued the drone accepted some money as a reward and asked Dan for lessons on how to fly the device. Dan said he's happy to oblige.

Dan, a photographer and filmmaker, described his DJI as "cuter" than other drones and said he's using it to create a "poetic" art project about New York City.
