UPTOWN — An 81-year-old woman's nose was broken during a mugging on a heavily trafficked Inwood street last week, police said.
The victim was walking along Seaman Avenue near West 214th Street about 6:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 12, when a male suspect grabbed her by her left shoulder and forced her to the ground, police said.
The robber then grabbed the victim's purse, which contained her wallet, checkbook and about $100 in cash, and fled toward Indian Road and into Inwood Hill Park, police noted.
The woman suffered a broken nose and a swollen left eye in the attack, police said. She was taken to New York-Presbyterian Hospital in non-critical condition, the FDNY said.
No information was available on the suspect, police said.
The robbery took place near the western edge of Isham Park, as locals gathered along the park's northern edge just a few blocks away for a tree-lighting ceremony in Bruce's Garden. About six police officers were concentrated there during the lighting from 6 to 7 p.m., according to locals in attendance.
In 2011, a man was mugged while walking through the park to get to the same tree-lighting event.
Robberies in the 34th Precinct are down by about 10 percent for the year, with 203 happening so far in 2014 compared to 226 for the same time period in 2013, NYPD data shows.