Jackson Heights & Elmhurst

Food & Drink

Cart-Inspired Eatery Serves Simple Thai Street Food

May 7, 2014 3:35pm | Updated May 7, 2014 3:35pm
Cart-Inspired Storefront Serves Simple Thai Street Food
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ELMHURST — A small storefront on Broadway keeps its customers full with a simple menu reminiscent of a Thai food cart.

There's only one item for sale at EIM Khao Mun Kai at 81-32 Broadway, near Britton Avenue — the khao mun kai, a popular Thai street food that's sold out of shiny carts inside the store.

Manager Boy Rawiopib, 35, serves up different quantities of the steamed chicken, made from naturally-raised Murray's Chicken that are also halal.

It's served on top of a large portion of ginger-infused rice and a cup of broth with a hunk of daikon in it, and garnished with slices of cucumbers and a ginger sauce.

Rawiopib said EIM, which means "full,"  is his first foray into the restaurant business and is quick to offer refills of the flavorful broth to customers. 

Local foodie Nuch Pinying, 43, said she loves the aroma of the shop and the authenticity of the food.

"Part of it is mixing the food  the broth and sauce tie it together," she said.

Despite a multitude of Thai restaurants in Queens, EIM is one of the few places to sell the authentic street dish, she said. 

"This is something you'd see in Bangkok," she said.

EIM Khao Mun Kai, 81-32 Broadway, is open 10 a.m. until 9 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, like their Facebook page. 
