NEW YORK — Thousands of New York parents learned Friday if their child won a coveted spot in one of the city's gifted and talented schools.
Close to 5,500 Kindergarten through third graders — out of the 7,562 students who applied — were awarded seats in the sought-after gifted programs across the five boroughs for the fall, the Department of Education said.
More than 39,300 children across the city took the gifted and talented test this year in hopes of qualifying for a seat.
The students were given an offer at either one of their district gifted programs in or one of the five more competitive citywide programs, the city said.
While many parents rejoiced after hearing that their child had won a seat, those who had already paid hefty deposits for private school, on the chance they were not accepted to G&T programs, were conflicted.
"It's very bittersweet for us," said Anna Li, 45, a Battery Park City resident whose daughter was admitted to both P.S. 11's gifted and talented program and the private Village Community School. "I'm writing a letter of withdrawal from [Village Community School] and I'm crying."
Li will lose her $7,000 deposit at the Village Community School, but she said that wasn't the reason she was upset — after all, she will save hundreds of thousands of dollars over the next several years by choosing public school.
Li said she was torn over giving up her daughter's spot at the prestigious, community-minded private school, after thinking for months that that was where her daughter would go. But she ultimately decided that P.S. 11's arts-focused, progressive curriculum made the most sense for the family, she said.
Li was also impressed by P.S 11's gardening and other enrichment programs, along with the creative writing, music and dance classes, she said.
"They really allow the kids to [learn] in a far-reaching way," she said.