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Trump and Palin Spark Times Square Pizza Pandemonium

June 2, 2011 5:52pm | Updated June 2, 2011 5:52pm
Donald Trump and Sarah Palin drew a massive crowd during their New York visit Tuesday.
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By Andrea Swalec

DNAinfo Reporter/Producer

Donald Trump and Sarah Palin chowed down on a few slices during their Times Square powwow — and New Yorkers were decidedly unimpressed.

Critics say the conservative duo made their first mistake in their choice of venue. Trump, who was born in Queens, took the will-she-or-won't-she presidential candidate to the Famous Famiglia shop on Broadway at 50th Street, the New York Daily News reported. The chain has dozens of locations in the city and is a mainstay of airport food courts nationally, but it's not famous for being one of New York's better pizza places.

Then, Trump and Palin had the gall to eat their pepperoni pie with forks and knives. Yikes.

"The Daily Show" host John Stewart went nuts about it on his show Wednesday night, demanding Trump's long-form birth certificate to confirm his origin, mocking his questions about President Barack Obama's birthplace.

"Donald Trump, why don't you just take that fork and stick it right in New York's eye?" he shouted.

The man with the cross-hatched double comb-over took to YouTube to explain why he uses utensils to eat pizza.

"This this way you can take the top of the pizza off. You're not just eating the crust. I like to not eat the crust, so you can keep the weight down," he explained.

Forbes.com likely spoke for a lot of New Yorkers when it put the problem this way: "Donald Trump may know about hiring staff and apprentices, and Sarah Palin may know about which finger to raise at a tea party, but neither seems to know the New York protocol for eating pizza."
