
Crime & Mayhem

NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly Talks About Increased Terror Threat During Holiday Season

November 10, 2010 3:06pm | Updated November 10, 2010 3:06pm
NYPD Counterterrorism Bureau inspector Jack Nicholson speaks about the recent parcel bomb attempt.
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DNAinfo/Ben Fractenberg

By Ben Fractenberg

DNAinfo Reporter/Producer

DOWNTOWN — In the wake of a recent failed terrorist plot to explode parcel packages, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly spoke Wednesday about the threat of similar attempts heading into the holiday season.

"We’ve been attacked successfully twice. So obviously we’re concerned about extra parcel traffic," Kelly said at an anti-terrorism conference held at One Police Plaza Wednesday morning. "People have to remain vigilant...Be aware of parcels coming in."

Since bombs were found in October aboard a U.S.-bound plane in the U.K. and another flight in Dubai, authorities in both the U.S. and England have stepped up their inspection of cargo and increased restrictions  on certain kinds of cargo on planes, according to NYPD Counterterrorism Bureau inspector Jack Nicholson.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly answers questions during a press conference after an anti-terrorism conference at One Police Plaza on Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2010.
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DNAinfo/Ben Fractenberg

"The aviation industry remains the top Al Qaeda target," said Nicholson during the conference. "The intent of the attack was to detonate these devices while it was in flight."

Kelly reiterated the need for individuals and organizations to be aware of any strange packages they receive.
