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Bed Bugs Take a Bite Out of Nike, Force Flagship Store to Close

September 18, 2010 12:40pm | Updated September 20, 2010 6:38am
Niketown, which has become the latest victim of bedbugs.
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Seth Wenig/AP Photo

By Adam Nichols

DNAinfo News Editor

MANHATTAN — Bed bugs have taken a bite out of business at Nike's flagship New York store.

The east 57th Street store Niketown closed its doors Saturday after becoming the critters' latest victim.

"Our primary concern is the well being of our consumers and sales associates," Nike said in a statement to the New York Daily News.

"We are taking all proper steps to eradicate the problem and we expect the store to reopen shortly."

The five-story store is the latest to be bitten by the bugs this year. Other outlets closed by bed bugs include Victoria's Secret, Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister.

They've even found their way into the Empire State building too.

Bedbugs have forced the closure several New York City businesses this year.
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A study by pest control company Terminix placed New York at the top of a list of U.S. cities affected by the pests.
