var contentPosSet = false; var topPosition; var heightLessFooter; var where=''; var val; var mon=1; var mouseX = 0; var mouseY = 0; var defMonth = 0; var d = new Date(); var nowMonth = d.getMonth() + 1; $(document).mousemove( function(e) { mouseX = e.pageX; mouseY = e.pageY; }); /**params for CDA to by pass js errors**/ var city_prefix='chicago'; var default_zip='60601'; function isValidZipCode(){ return true; } $(document).ready(function() { defMonth = $('#homicideapp').attr('data-currmonth'); $(window).scroll(function(){ if($('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').length > -1){ $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').remove(); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').remove(); } }) $(".murder-modal").css("display","block"); // App Model var AppState = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { mapboxID: 'dnainfo', mapboxBaseLayer: 'map-fo2sfxjw', cartodbID: 'dnainfo', //cartodbTable: 'chicago_homicide' cartodbTable: table_prefix + 'homicide_20130104_di' } }); var map_zoom = false; /** * Helper class to create sql statements with conditions based on input from user filters. * - querystart - everything in the query BEFORE the where clauses. * - queryend - everything in the query AFTER the where clauses. * - whereClauses - optional array of where clauses to inject into query. */ function getParameterByName(name){ name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]"); var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp(regexS); var results = regex.exec(; if(results == null) return ""; else return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } function DnaInfoQueryBuilder(querystart, queryend, whereClauses) { if (!_.isArray(whereClauses)) { whereClauses = new Array(); } if (getQueryVariable('neighborhood')) { var neighborhood = getQueryVariable('neighborhood'); neighborhood = neighborhood.replace(/\+/g, ' '); whereClauses.push(table_prefix + 'homicide_20130104_di.neighborhood = \'' + _.escape(neighborhood) + '\''); where = "where neighborhood='"+neighborhood+"'"; } if (getQueryVariable('cause')) { var cause = getQueryVariable('cause'); cause = cause.replace(/\+/g, ' '); if(cause=='Other'){ whereClauses.push(table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di.cause not in ('Stabbing','Strangulation','Shooting','Assault')"); }else{ whereClauses.push(table_prefix + 'homicide_20130104_di.cause = \'' + _.escape(cause) + '\''); } } var raceGroups = ['B', 'W', 'H', 'O', 'U']; if (getQueryVariable('race')) { var race = getQueryVariable('race'); whereClauses.push(table_prefix + 'homicide_20130104_di.race = \'' + raceGroups[race] + '\''); } var ageGroups = { '0': { 'min': 0, 'max': 12 }, '1': { 'min': 13, 'max': 17 }, '2': { 'min': 18, 'max': 24 }, '3': { 'min': 25, 'max': 34 }, '4': { 'min': 35, 'max': 44 }, '5': { 'min': 45, 'max': 54 }, '6': { 'min': 55, 'max': 64 }, '7': { 'min': 65, 'max': 130 } }; if (getQueryVariable('age')) { var ageGroupId = getQueryVariable('age'); if (ageGroups[ageGroupId]) { whereClauses.push(table_prefix + 'homicide_20130104_di.age >= \'' + ageGroups[ageGroupId].min + '\''); whereClauses.push(table_prefix + 'homicide_20130104_di.age <= \'' + ageGroups[ageGroupId].max + '\''); } } whereClauses.push(timeclause); var whereQueryString = ''; if (whereClauses && whereClauses.length) { whereQueryString = 'WHERE ' + whereClauses.join(' AND '); } return querystart + whereQueryString + queryend; } /** * MapView */ var last_hood = ''; var hood_lat_lon = ''; var MapView = Backbone.View.extend({ popup: undefined, initialize: function() { var that = this; _.bindAll(this, 'render', 'openIndividualPopup'); var file_link=''; var cause = getQueryVariable('cause'); if(cause){ cause = cause.replace('+', ''); file_link = '/css/chicago-murders/mapstyle_'+cause+'.carto'; }else{ file_link = '/css/chicago-murders/mapstyle.carto'; } $.get(file_link, function(data) { that.cartoStyle = data; that.render(); }, 'text'); this.collection.bind('add', this.render); }, renderWidePopup: function(ev, latlng, pos, data) { if ( < 12) { var homicide_text = 'homicide'; var avg_dis_text = data.avg_distance; if(data.homicide_count > 1){ homicide_text = 'homicides'; } if(last_hood!=data.neighborhood_name ){ hood_lat_lon = latlng; last_hood=data.neighborhood_name; } if(data.avg_age==0) data.avg_age = 'N/A'; avg_dis_text = data.avg_distance+' mi.'; var content = "

" + data.neighborhood_name + "

" + data.homicide_count + " " + homicide_text + "

Avg. Age: " + data.avg_age + "

Avg. Distance From Home: " + avg_dis_text + "

"; if (!this.popup && !map_zoom) { //this.popup = L.popup().setLatLng(latlng).setContent(content).openOn(; this.popup = L.popup({autoPan:true}).setLatLng(hood_lat_lon).setContent(content).openOn(; if(mouseX > 0) { $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').appendTo('#homicideapp'); $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').css('position','fixed'); $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').css('top',mouseY-$(window).scrollTop()-165 + 'px'); $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').css('left',mouseX-105 + 'px'); $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').css('z-index','9999'); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').appendTo('#homicideapp'); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').css('position','fixed'); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').css('top',mouseY-$(window).scrollTop()-35+18+ 'px'); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').css('left',mouseX-20 + 'px'); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').css('z-index','9999');'popupclose', function(e){ if($('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').length > -1){ $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').remove(); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').remove(); } }); } } else { //this.popup.setContent(content).setLatLng(latlng); this.popup.setContent(content).setLatLng(hood_lat_lon); if(mouseX > 0) { $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').appendTo('#homicideapp'); $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').css('position','fixed'); $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').css('top',mouseY-165-$(window).scrollTop() + 'px'); $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').css('left',mouseX-105 + 'px'); $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').css('z-index','9999'); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').appendTo('#homicideapp'); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').css('position','fixed'); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').css('top',mouseY-$(window).scrollTop()-35 +18+ 'px'); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').css('left',mouseX-20 + 'px'); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').css('z-index','9999');'popupclose', function(e){ if($('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').length > -1){ $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').remove(); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').remove(); } }); } } } }, render: function() { var that = this; $(this.el).css('height', '685px'); if (_.isString(this.cartoStyle) && _.isUndefined( { var legend_type; var cause = getQueryVariable('cause'); switch(cause){ case 'Shooting': legend_type = '_gunshot'; break; case 'Stabbing': legend_type = '_stabbings'; break; case 'Assault': legend_type = '_assault'; break; case 'Strangulation': legend_type = '_stranglings'; break; case 'Other': legend_type = '_auto'; break; default: legend_type = ''; break; } =, { minZoom: 10, maxZoom: 16, maxBounds: new L.LatLngBounds(new L.LatLng(42.5, -88.45), new L.LatLng(41.3, -86.75)), doubleClickZoom: false }).setView([41.802355184289396, -87.79066782637711], 11); var baseLayer = L.tileLayer('https://{s}' + App.appState.get('mapboxID') + '.' + App.appState.get('mapboxBaseLayer') + '/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: 'Mapbox Streets', maxZoom: 13 });; $(this.el).after('
'); this.homicideWideView = new L.CartoDBLayer({ map:, user_name: App.appState.get('mapboxID'), table_name: table_prefix + 'chicago_neighborhoods', minZoom: 10, maxZoom: 13, query: DnaInfoQueryBuilder("SELECT COUNT(" + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di.the_geom_webmercator) AS homicide_count, round(avg(" + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di.age::decimal),0) as avg_age, round(avg(" + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di.distance::decimal),1) as avg_distance, " + table_prefix + "chicago_neighborhoods.the_geom_webmercator, " + table_prefix + " AS neighborhood_name FROM " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di," + table_prefix + "chicago_neighborhoods ", " GROUP BY " + table_prefix + "chicago_neighborhoods.the_geom_webmercator, neighborhood_name", ["ST_Contains(" + table_prefix + "chicago_neighborhoods.the_geom_webmercator, " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di.the_geom_webmercator) AND " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di.age ~ '\\d+'"]), tile_style: (this.cartoStyle) ? this.cartoStyle : '', interactivity: "homicide_count, neighborhood_name, avg_age, avg_distance", featureClick: function(ev, latlng, pos, data) { that.renderWidePopup(ev, latlng, pos, data); }, featureOver: function(ev, latlng, pos, data){ that.renderWidePopup(ev, latlng, pos, data); }, featureOut: function(ev, latlng, pos, data){ if (that.popup) { that.popup._close(); that.popup = undefined; } }, attribution: "CartoDB", auto_bound: false });; if (getQueryVariable('neighborhood')) { this.homicideWideView.setBounds('SELECT * FROM ' + table_prefix + 'chicago_neighborhoods WHERE name = \'' + getQueryVariable('neighborhood') + "'"); } this.homicideNarrowView = new L.CartoDBLayer({ map:, user_name: App.appState.get('mapboxID'), table_name: App.appState.get('cartodbTable'), minZoom: 12, maxZoom: 14, query: DnaInfoQueryBuilder("SELECT * FROM {{table_name}} ", ""), tile_style: (this.cartoStyle) ? this.cartoStyle : '', interactivity: "cartodb_id,gdoc_id", featureClick: function(ev, latlng, pos, data) { if (data.cartodb_id != that.individualPopup) { var aHomicideModel = that.collection.where({gdoc_id: data.cartodb_id})[0]; if (aHomicideModel) { that.openIndividualPopup(aHomicideModel); } } }, featureOver: function(ev, latlng, pos, data) { = 'pointer'; if (data.cartodb_id != that.individualPopup) { var aHomicideModel = that.collection.where({gdoc_id: data.cartodb_id})[0]; if (aHomicideModel) { that.openIndividualPopup(aHomicideModel); } } }, featureOut: function(ev, latlng, pos, data) { = 'default'; }, attribution: "CartoDB", auto_bound: false });'zoomstart', function(e) { map_zoom = true; if($('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').length > -1){ $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').remove(); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').remove(); } });'zoomend', function(e) { map_zoom = false; if (this.getZoom() < 12) { this.removeLayer(that.homicideNarrowView); } else { this.addLayer(that.homicideNarrowView); } }); var center =; var bounds =; var minimap ='mini-map', { zoomControl: false, attributionControl: false, worldCopyJump: false, center: center, zoom: 9, dragging: false, touchZoom: false }); var baseLayer2 = L.tileLayer('https://{s}' + App.appState.get('mapboxID') + '.' + App.appState.get('mapboxBaseLayer') + '/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: 'Mapbox Streets', maxZoom: 13 }); minimap.addLayer(baseLayer2); var rectangle = L.rectangle(bounds, {color: '#f00', weight: 1}); // alert(getQueryVariable('cause')) switch(getQueryVariable('cause')){ case 'Stabbing': rectangle = L.rectangle(bounds, {color: '#2951ff', weight: 1}); break; case 'Assault': rectangle = L.rectangle(bounds, {color: '#ff681e', weight: 1}); break; case 'Strangulation': rectangle = L.rectangle(bounds, {color: '#743591', weight: 1}); break; case 'Shooting': rectangle = L.rectangle(bounds, {color: '#efd440', weight: 1}); break; case 'Other': rectangle = L.rectangle(bounds, {color: '#368859', weight: 1}); break; } rectangle.dragging = new L.Handler.PolyDrag(rectangle); minimap.addLayer(rectangle); rectangle.dragging.enable(); rectangle.on('dragend', function() { var bounds = rectangle.getBounds(); //; // alert(bounds.getCenter()) });'moveend', function(e) { rectangle.setBounds(this.getBounds()); });'viewreset', function(e) { rectangle.setBounds(this.getBounds()); }); } if (this.itemID) { var aHomicideModel = this.collection.where({gdoc_id: this.itemID})[0]; if (aHomicideModel) { this.openIndividualPopup(aHomicideModel); } } }, openIndividualPopup: function(aHomicideModel) { this.individualPopup = aHomicideModel.get('gdoc_id'); var aHomicideView = new HomicideView({model: aHomicideModel}); var latlng = new L.LatLng(aHomicideModel.get('lat'), aHomicideModel.get('lon')); //, 13);'drag', function(e){ $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').remove(); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').remove(); }); var popup = L.popup({autoPan:true}).setLatLng(latlng).setContent(aHomicideView.render().el).openOn(; if(mouseX > 0) { $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').appendTo('#homicideapp'); if(mouseX < 1) { var; var; } if(mouseX > 0) { var yDiff = mouseY; var margin = ($(document).width()-964)/2; var yPan = 0; var xPan = 0; if((mouseX-135) < margin){ xPan = (margin - (mouseX-135))+40; } if((mouseX+135) > (margin+964)){ xPan = (margin+964)-(mouseX+135)-20; } if(yDiff-258 < 340){ yPan = 340-(yDiff-258); } $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').css('position','fixed'); $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').css('top',mouseY-$(window).scrollTop()-255+yPan + 'px'); $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').css('left',mouseX-165 + xPan + 'px'); $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').css('z-index','9999'); $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').css('height','258px'); $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').css('width','370px'); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').appendTo('#homicideapp'); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').css('position','fixed'); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').css('top',mouseY-$(window).scrollTop() -15+yPan + 'px'); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').css('left',mouseX-20 + xPan + 'px'); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').css('z-index','9999'); }'popupclose', function(e){ if($('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').length > -1){ $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').remove(); $('.leaflet-popup-tip-container').remove(); } }); } } }); /** * MapFilterView */ var MapFilterView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function() { var that = this; $.ajax({ url: DnaInfoQueryBuilder(cdaSettings.cartodb.base_url+"?q=SELECT COUNT(" + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di.the_geom_webmercator) AS homicide_count, " + table_prefix + "chicago_neighborhoods.the_geom_webmercator, " + table_prefix + " AS neighborhood_name FROM " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di," + table_prefix + "chicago_neighborhoods ", " GROUP BY " + table_prefix + "chicago_neighborhoods.the_geom_webmercator, neighborhood_name", ["ST_Contains(" + table_prefix + "chicago_neighborhoods.the_geom_webmercator, " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di.the_geom_webmercator) "])+"&api_key="+cdaSettings.cartodb.api_key, dataType: 'jsonp', crossDomain: true, success: function(data) { if (data.rows.length == 0) { $(that.el).after('
No incidents found.
'); } } }); }, render: function() { var that = this; var ageGroups = [ '12 or younger', '13-17', '18-24', '25-34', '35-44', '45-54', '55-64', '65+' ]; var raceGroups = ['Black','White','Hispanic','Other','Unknown']; $(this.el).html('
'); // populate age select form $.each(ageGroups, function(i, item) { var ageGroupId = getQueryVariable('age'); var selectedAttribute = ''; if (i === parseInt(ageGroupId)) { selectedAttribute = 'selected="selected"'; } $('select[name="age"]').append(''); }); // populate race select form $.each(raceGroups, function(i, item) { var raceGroupId = getQueryVariable('race'); var selectedAttribute = ''; if (i === parseInt(raceGroupId)) { selectedAttribute = 'selected="selected"'; } $('select[name="race"]').append(''); }); // populate neighborhood select form var currentNeighborhood = getQueryVariable('neighborhood'); if (currentNeighborhood) { currentNeighborhood = currentNeighborhood.replace('+', ' '); } $.ajax({ url: cdaSettings.cartodb.base_url+'?q=SELECT * FROM ' + table_prefix + 'chicago_neighborhoods ORDER BY name'+"&api_key="+cdaSettings.cartodb.api_key, dataType: 'jsonp', crossDomain: true, success: function(data) { $.each(data.rows, function(i, datum) { var neighborhoodSelectedAttribute = ''; if (currentNeighborhood == { neighborhoodSelectedAttribute = 'selected="selected"'; } //$('select[name="neighborhood"]', that.el).append(''); }); //$('select[name="neighborhood"]', that.el).chosen(); } }); $('.btn-clear').click(function(e) { $('select[name="neighborhood"]', that.el).val(''); $('select[name="age"]', that.el).val(''); $('select[name="race"]', that.el).val(''); }); }, renderNoResults: function() { alert(this.collection.length); } }); /** * HomicideModel */ var HomicideModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { gdoc_id: -1, name: '', address: '', age: '', date: '', neighborhood: '', cause: '', lat:'', lon:'', story_link: '', image_link: '', image_tag:'', age_tag:'', cause_tag:'' }, initialize: function() { var myDate = new Date(this.get('date')); var months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']; var daysOfWeek = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']; this.set('formatted_date', months[myDate.getMonth()] + ' ' + myDate.getDate() + ', ' + myDate.getFullYear()); } }); /** * NeighborhoodsCollection */ var NeighborhoodsCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ initialize: function() { var that = this; $('#hoods').append('
  • All Neighborhoods
  • '); $.ajax({ url: cdaSettings.cartodb.base_url+"?q=SELECT neighborhood FROM " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di where neighborhood!='' group by neighborhood order by neighborhood"+"&api_key="+cdaSettings.cartodb.api_key, dataType: 'jsonp', crossDomain: true, success: function(data) { _.each(data.rows, function(datum) { //alert(datum.neighborhood) $('#hoods').append('
  • '+datum.neighborhood+'
  • '); }); } }); } }); /** * HomicideCollection */ var HomicideCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: HomicideModel, initialize: function() { where = 'where '; if(getQueryVariable('mon')){ mon = (getQueryVariable('mon') >=1 && getQueryVariable('mon') <= 12)? getQueryVariable('mon') : defMonth; //where += "extract(month from date::timestamp)="+mon+ " AND "; } where += timeclause; $('#hero').html(timeline_year + ' DEATH TOLL : '); var that = this; $.ajax({ url: cdaSettings.cartodb.base_url+"?q=SELECT *, ST_AsGeoJSON(the_geom) AS geom_raw ,time,(select count(*) from " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di " + where + ") as death_toll FROM " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di "+where+" order by date_backup,name"+"&api_key="+cdaSettings.cartodb.api_key, dataType: 'jsonp', crossDomain: true, success: function(data) { $('#hero').html(timeline_year + ' DEATH TOLL : '+data.rows[0].death_toll); _.each(data.rows, function(datum) { var geomDataRaw = JSON.parse(datum.geom_raw); var homicide = new HomicideModel({ gdoc_id: datum.cartodb_id, name:, address: datum.address_of_occurrence, age: datum.age, age_type: datum.age_type, date:, neighborhood: datum.neighborhood, murder_lat:, murder_lon: datum.lon, cause: datum.cause, time: datum.time, race: datum.race, story_link: datum.story_link, image_link: datum.image_link, lat: (geomDataRaw) ? geomDataRaw.coordinates[1] : undefined, lon: (geomDataRaw) ? geomDataRaw.coordinates[0] : undefined }); that.add(homicide); $('.murder-modal').css('display','none'); }); } }); } }); /** * HomicideView */ var HomicideView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'homicide', template: _.template($('#homicide_template').html()), initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this, 'render'); }, render: function(options) { var values = this.model.toJSON(); values = _(values).extend(options); if(values.time){ values.time = 'Time: '+values.time+''; } if (!values.image_link) { values.iam=4; this.$el.addClass('no-image'); } else { this.$el.addClass('image'); if(values.image_link!=''){ values.image_tag= ""; if(values.story_link!="") values.image_tag = ""; } } if(values.age == null || values.age==0 || values.age==''){ values.age_tag = '' }else if('Emonie Star-Beasley Brown'){ values.age_tag = 'Age: 3 weeks'; }else{ if(values.age_type == null || values.age_type == 'years') { if(values.age <= 1) { values.age_type = 'year'; } else { values.age_type = 'years'; } } else if(values.age_type == 'months') { values.age = Math.round(Number(values.age)*12); if(values.age <= 1) { values.age_type = 'month'; } } else if(values.age_type == 'weeks') { values.age = truncate(values.age * 52); if(values.age <= 1) { values.age_type = 'week'; } } values.age_tag = 'Age: '+values.age+ ' ' + values.age_type; } if(values.cause==''){ values.cause_tag ='' }else{ values.cause_tag = 'Cause: '+values.cause; } if({ values.title =; } if(values.story_link){ values.title = "" + + ''; values.story_link ='
    » Read the story
    '; } var clean_name = /g,""); if (values.position) { this.$el.addClass('span6'); this.$el.attr('id',clean_name); this.$el.addClass(values.position); } this.$el.html(this.template(values)); return this; } }); /** * TimelineView */ var TimelineView = Backbone.View.extend({ id: 'timeline', initialize: function() { $('#timeline-wrapper').show() $('#timeline-mon-nav').show() $('#timeline-menu-wrapper').show() this.positionCounter = 0; this.m = (getQueryVariable('mon')&&getQueryVariable('mon')>=0)?getQueryVariable('mon')-1:(defMonth-1); this.months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']; this.monthIncidentCounter = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; _.bindAll(this, 'render', 'appendItem'); // every function that uses 'this' as the current object should be in here this.collection.bind('add', this.appendItem); this.render(); }, render: function() { var that = this; //set current button $('.mon:eq('+this.m+')').addClass('current'); //add days red dot var days=new Date(timeline_year, this.m+1, 0).getDate(); var day_div = ''; for(var i=1;i<=days;i++){ var day= '
    '; day_div += day; } $(that.el).append('
    '+ '
    = 1 person
    '+ '
    '+ day_div+ '
    '+ '
    '); $('#timeline-wrapper').show(); $('#timeline-mon-nav').show(); //Obtain list of years $.ajax({ url: cdaSettings.cartodb.base_url+"?q=SELECT date_backup FROM " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di order by date_backup desc LIMIT 1"+"&api_key="+cdaSettings.cartodb.api_key, //Query here, dataType: 'jsonp', crossDomain: true, success: function(data) { _.each(data.rows, function(datum) { var darray = datum.date_backup.split('T'); var darray = darray[0].split('-'); var thisyear = darray[0]; if ((thisyear - 2012) > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < (thisyear - 2012);i++) { var nextyear = 2012 + (i+1); years.push(nextyear); var myclass = ''; if(timeline_year == nextyear) { myclass = 'class="active"'; } $('.yearselector').append('' + nextyear + ''); } } var current = ($('.months .current').index() < 0)? 0:$('.months .current').index() + 1; if((current > 1 || timeline_year > 2012)) { $('#timeline-mon-nav .prev').removeClass('deactivated'); } //Gray out the dates that have no data $.ajax({ url: cdaSettings.cartodb.base_url+"?q=SELECT date_backup FROM " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di where date_backup <= '" + timeline_year + "-12-31' and date_backup >= '" + timeline_year + "-01-01' order by date_backup desc LIMIT 1"+"&api_key="+cdaSettings.cartodb.api_key, //Query here, dataType: 'jsonp', crossDomain: true, success: function(data) { var month = -1; _.each(data.rows, function(datum) { var darray = datum.date_backup.split('T'); var darray = darray[0].split('-'); month = darray[1]; month = Number(month); var yearhtml = ''; for(var i = 0; i < month;i++) { $('#mon' + (i+1)).removeClass('deactive'); $('#mon' + (i+1)).attr('href','/chicago/'+timeline_year+'-chicago-murders/timeline?mon=' + (i+1)); yearhtml += '
  • ' + montha[i] + '
  • '; } $('#yearbox .dropdown-menu').html(yearhtml); }); if(getQueryVariable('mon')){ if(month == -1) month = 1; var currMonth = getQueryVariable('mon'); } else { $('#yearbox .default_val').html('January'); var currMonth = nowMonth; } var current = ($('.months .current').index() < 0)? 0:$('.months .current').index()+1; var currIndex = 0; if((Number(month)) < currMonth) { location.href = '/chicago/' + timeline_year + '-chicago-murders/timeline?mon=' + (Number(month)); //IE } if((current < (Number(month)) || timeline_year < years[years.length-1])) { $('#timeline-mon-nav .next').removeClass('deactivated'); } var mymonth = montha[currMonth-1]; $('#yearbox .default_val').html(mymonth); } }); }); } }); }, appendItem: function(item) { var homicideView = new HomicideView({ model: item, }); var position = (this.positionCounter % 2 == 0) ? 'pull-left' : 'pull-right'; var itemDate = new Date(item.get('date')); var itemMonth = itemDate.getMonth(); this.monthIncidentCounter[itemMonth]++; $('.' + this.months[itemMonth].toLowerCase() + ' a').text(this.months[itemMonth] + ' (' + this.monthIncidentCounter[itemMonth] + ')'); $('.' + this.months[itemMonth].toLowerCase() + ' .content', this.el).append(homicideView.render({position: position}).el); $('.' + this.months[itemMonth].toLowerCase() + ' .murder-content-nav .murder-by-day .day',this.el).eq(itemDate.getDate()-1).append('') if($('.' + this.months[itemMonth].toLowerCase() + ' .content .homicide').length==2){ // $('#'+item.get('name').replace(/ /g,"")).css('margin-top','100px'); } if(this.positionCounter==1){ $('.' + this.months[itemMonth].toLowerCase() +' .homicide:eq(1)').addClass('margin-pad'); } this.positionCounter++; } }); var MyRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { "": "index", "map": "map", "map?id=:id": "map", "timeline": "timeline", "timeline?mon=:mon": "timeline", "explore-data": "exploreData" }, initialize: function() { this.main = $('#main'); this.appState = new AppState(); this.homicideCollection = new HomicideCollection(); }, index: function() { this.timeline(); }, map: function(id) { this.mapView = new MapView({el: $('#map-wrapper'), collection: this.homicideCollection}); if (!this.mapFormView) { this.mapFilterView = new MapFilterView({el: $('#map-form'), collection: this.homicideCollection}); } if (id) { this.mapView.itemID = parseInt(id); } else { this.mapView.itemID = undefined; } }, timeline: function() { var timeline = $('#timeline'); if (!this.timelineView) { this.timelineView = new TimelineView({el: $('#timeline-wrapper'), collection: this.homicideCollection}); } }, exploreData: function() { //hoods nav var hoods = new NeighborhoodsCollection(); //diagrams } }); var App = new MyRouter(); Backbone.history.start({pushState: true, root: '/chicago/' + timeline_year + '-chicago-murders'}); // /** timeline-wrapper go-next go-prev**/ $('#timeline-mon-nav div').click(function(e){ var current = ($('.months .current').index() < 0)? 0:$('.months .current').index(); if($(this).hasClass('prev')){ // $('.months .mon:eq('+(current==0?11:(current-1))+')').click(); if(current == 0) { if(timeline_year > 2012) { location.href = '/chicago/' + (Number(timeline_year)-1) + '-chicago-murders/timeline?mon=12'; //IE } } else { location.href = $('.months .mon:eq('+(current==0?11:(current-1))+')').attr('href'); //IE8 } } if($(this).hasClass('next')){ // $('.months .mon:eq('+(current==11?0:(current+1))+')').click(); if(current == 11) { var maxyear = years[years.length-1]; if(timeline_year < maxyear) { location.href = '/chicago/' + (Number(timeline_year)+1) + '-chicago-murders/timeline?mon=1'; //IE } } else { location.href = $('.months .mon:eq('+(current==11?0:(current+1))+')').attr('href'); //IE8 } } }) }); String.prototype.lpad = function(padString, length) { var str = this; while (str.length < length) str = padString + str; return str; } String.prototype.repeat = function(times) { return (new Array(times + 1)).join(this); } function getQueryVariable(variable) { var url = window.location.toString(); var query = url.replace(/^([^\?]*)/, ''); query = query.replace(/^\?/, ''); var vars = query.split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) { var pair = vars[i].split("="); if (pair[0] == variable) { return unescape(pair[1]); } } return false; } var small_default = function() { if($('#timeline-wrapper').length < 1) { var mon = 1; if(getQueryVariable('mon')){ mon = (getQueryVariable('mon') >=1 && getQueryVariable('mon') <= 12)? getQueryVariable('mon') : 1; } else { var myDate = new Date(this.get('date')); mon = myDate.getMonth(); } location.href = '/chicago/' + timeline_year + '-chicago-murders/timeline?mon=' + mon; //IE } }; init_funcs['small'].push([small_default,'']); function truncate(n) { return n | 0; // bitwise operators convert operands to 32-bit integers }