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Pawar to Back Zoning Change for Mixed-Use Development on Lawrence Avenue

December 14, 2015 8:40am | Updated December 14, 2015 8:40am
A planned five-story mixed-use building on Lawrence Avenue will feature four stories of condos and ground floor commercial.
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DNAinfo/Patty Wetli

LINCOLN SQUARE — Ald. Ameya Pawar (47th) is throwing his support behind a new construction mixed-use development on Lawrence Avenue.

The alderman told that he intends to approve a zoning change that will pave the way for a five-story, 60-foot building from Candea Development featuring four stories of condos — 14 units total — and ground floor commercial space at 2232 W. Lawrence Ave.

The condos will range from two to three bedrooms at 1,500 to 2,000 square feet, priced between $450,000 and $675,000.

Pawar said his office collected more than 100 responses to a survey about the development. Nearly 90 percent favored the project overall, and when asked to choose between a pair of options — solely residential or mixed use — respondents had a "much higher preference for having commercial," he said.

The next step is for Pawar to introduce an ordinance sponsoring the zoning change, which will ultimately come up for City Council vote.

The development is the latest step in the transformation of Lawrence Avenue that includes Mariano's as an anchor tenant, a streetscape and new playground.

"When I took office and mentioned Lawrence, people laughed," Pawar said. "Now it's 'Tell me more.'"

For those interested in learning more about Pawar's zoning review process, development on Lawrence Avenue and other issues affecting the ward, the Greater Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce is hosting a breakfast with the alderman, 8:30 a.m. Wednesday at Marmalade, 1969 W. Montrose Ave. Tickets are $18, meal included.

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