var render_chart; $(document).ready(function() { var chart; where = 'where '; if (getQueryVariable('neighborhood')) { var neighborhood = getQueryVariable('neighborhood'); neighborhood = neighborhood.replace(/\+/g, ' '); where += "neighborhood='"+neighborhood+"' AND "; $('#current-hood').html('Current View: '+neighborhood); } where += timeclause; render_chart = function(mywidth,myheight){ //create murder breaktown $.ajax({ url: cdaSettings.cartodb.base_url+"?q="+ "SELECT case when cause in ('Stabbing','Assault','Strangulation','Shooting') then cause else 'other' end as cause,count(*) as count,cast((cast(count(*) as decimal(8,2))/(select count(*) from " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di where" + timeclause + ")) as decimal(4,2)) as percent, (select count(*) from " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di where " + timeclause + ") as total FROM " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di "+where+" group by case when cause in ('Stabbing','Assault','Strangulation','Shooting') then cause else 'other' end"+"&api_key="+cdaSettings.cartodb.api_key, dataType: 'jsonp', crossDomain: true, success: function(data) { var category = new Array(); var category_data = new Array(); _.each(data.rows, function(datum) { //category += "'" + datum.cause + "',"; category.push(datum.cause.toUpperCase()); category_data.push(datum.count); }); // Highcharts.setBorderColor(coo) Highcharts.setOptions({ colors: ['#b20017'] }); chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'murder-breakdown', type: 'bar' }, title: { text: '' }, subtitle: { text: '' }, xAxis: { categories: category, title: {text: null}, lineWidth: 0, minorGridLineWidth: 0, lineColor: 'transparent', labels: { y:10, style: { fontSize: '30px', fontFamily: '"Titillium Web",Arial', color: 'black', fontWeight:700 } } }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: '', align: 'high' }, gridLineColor:'#ffffff', labels: { y:10, style:{ /*overflow: 'justify',*/ color:'white' } } }, plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, style:{ fontSize:'30px', fontFamily: "Titillium Web", color: 'black', border:'none', fontWeight:700 } } } }, tooltip: false, exporting: { buttons: { printButton:{ enabled:false }, exportButton: { enabled:false } } }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'top', floating: true, borderWidth: 0, backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', shadow: true }, legend:{ enabled:false }, credits: { enabled: false }, series: [{ name: 'death count', data: category_data, shadow: false }] }); } }); //create distance chart $.ajax({ url: cdaSettings.cartodb.base_url+"?q="+ "SELECT sum(case when distance::float <0.5 then 1 else 0 end) as d1, "+ " sum(case when distance::float >=0.5 and distance::float <1 then 1 else 0 end) as d2, "+ " sum(case when distance::float >=1 and distance::float <2 then 1 else 0 end) as d3, "+ " sum(case when distance::float >=2 and distance::float <5 then 1 else 0 end) as d4, "+ " sum(case when distance::float >=5 and distance::float <10 then 1 else 0 end) as d5, "+ " sum(case when distance::float >=10 then 1 else 0 end) as d6 "+ "FROM " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di "+where+"&api_key="+cdaSettings.cartodb.api_key, //select distance from homicide_20130104_di dataType: 'jsonp', crossDomain: true, success: function(data) { _.each(data.rows, function(datum) { var category_data = new Array(); category_data.push(datum.d1); category_data.push(datum.d2); category_data.push(datum.d3); category_data.push(datum.d4); category_data.push(datum.d5); category_data.push(datum.d6); Highcharts.setOptions({ colors: ['#4d94b0'] }); chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'distance-from-home', type: 'column' }, title: { text: '' }, subtitle: { text: '' }, xAxis: { categories: ['0-.5','.5-1','1-2','2-5','5-10','10+'], title: { text: 'MILES FROM HOME', margin:15, style:{ fontFamily: '"Titillium Web",Arial', fontWeight:700 } }, gridLineWidth:0, minorGridLineWidth:0, tickWidth:0, minorTickWidth:0, plotLines: [{ value: 0, width: 0, color: '#ffffff' }], labels: { y:26, style: { fontSize: '16px', fontFamily: '"Titillium Web",Arial', color: 'black', fontWeight:700 } } }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: 'MURDER VICTIMS', align: 'middle', margin:10, style:{ fontFamily: '"Titillium Web",Arial', fontWeight:700 } }, gridLineWidth:0, minorGridLineWidth:0, tickWidth:0, lineWidth:1, plotLines: [{ value: 0, width: 0, color: '#ffffff' }], minorTickWidth:0, labels: { y:10, style:{ fontSize: '17px', fontFamily: '"Titillium Web",Arial', color: 'black', fontWeight:700 } } }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return ''+ +': '+ this.y; } }, plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, style:{ fontSize:'20px', color: 'black', border:'none' } } } }, exporting: { buttons: { printButton:{ enabled:false }, exportButton: { enabled:false } } }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'top', floating: true, borderWidth: 0, backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', shadow: true }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: false }, series: [{ name: 'death count', data: category_data, shadow: false, pointWidth: 32 }] }); }); } }); $.ajax({ url: cdaSettings.cartodb.base_url+"?q="+ "SELECT sum(case when extract(dow from date::timestamp)=0 then 1 else 0 end) as sun ,"+ "sum(case when extract(dow from date::timestamp)=1 then 1 else 0 end) as mon ,"+ "sum(case when extract(dow from date::timestamp)=2 then 1 else 0 end) as tue ,"+ "sum(case when extract(dow from date::timestamp)=3 then 1 else 0 end) as wed ,"+ "sum(case when extract(dow from date::timestamp)=4 then 1 else 0 end) as thr ,"+ "sum(case when extract(dow from date::timestamp)=5 then 1 else 0 end) as fri ,"+ "sum(case when extract(dow from date::timestamp)=6 then 1 else 0 end) as sat "+ "FROM " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di "+where+"&api_key="+cdaSettings.cartodb.api_key, dataType: 'jsonp', crossDomain: true, success: function(data) { _.each(data.rows, function(datum) { Highcharts.setOptions({ colors: ['#f17544'] }); var category_data = new Array(); category_data.push(datum.sun); category_data.push(datum.mon); category_data.push(datum.tue); category_data.push(; category_data.push(datum.thr); category_data.push(datum.fri); category_data.push(datum.sat); chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'murder-by-days', type: 'column' }, title: { text: '' }, subtitle: { text: '' }, xAxis: { categories: ['SUN','MON','TUE','WED','THR','FRI','SAT'], title: { text: null }, gridLineWidth:0, minorGridLineWidth:0, tickWidth:0, minorTickWidth:0, labels: { y:26, style: { fontSize: '18px', fontFamily: '"Titillium Web",Arial', color: 'black', fontWeight:700 } } }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: '', align: 'high' }, gridLineWidth:0, minorGridLineWidth:0, tickWidth:0, minorTickWidth:0, lineWidth:1, labels: { y:10, style:{ fontSize: '18px', fontFamily: '"Titillium Web",Arial', color: 'black', fontWeight:700 } } }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return ''+ +': '+ this.y; } }, plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, style:{ fontSize:'20px', color: 'black', border:'none' } } } }, exporting: { buttons: { printButton:{ enabled:false }, exportButton: { enabled:false } } }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: false }, series: [{ name: 'death count', data: category_data, shadow: false, pointWidth: 24 }] }); }); } }); //Create pie chart $.ajax({ url: cdaSettings.cartodb.base_url+"?q="+ "select count(*) as total,"+ "round((sum((case when age IS NULL or age = '' then 0 else (case when(nullif(age, 'NaN')::decimal) <=12 then 1 else 0 end) end))/cast(count(*) as decimal(5,2)))*100,1) as case1,"+ "round((sum((case when age IS NULL or age = '' then 0 else (case when((nullif(age, 'NaN')::decimal) >=13 and (nullif(age, 'NaN')::decimal) <= 17) then 1 else 0 end) end))/cast(count(*) as decimal(5,2)))*100,1) as case2,"+ "round((sum((case when age IS NULL or age = '' then 0 else (case when((nullif(age, 'NaN')::decimal) >=18 and (nullif(age, 'NaN')::decimal) <= 24) then 1 else 0 end) end))/cast(count(*) as decimal(5,2)))*100,1) as case3,"+ "round((sum((case when age IS NULL or age = '' then 0 else (case when((nullif(age, 'NaN')::decimal) >=25 and (nullif(age, 'NaN')::decimal) <= 34) then 1 else 0 end) end))/cast(count(*) as decimal(5,2)))*100,1) as case4,"+ "round((sum((case when age IS NULL or age = '' then 0 else (case when((nullif(age, 'NaN')::decimal) >=35 and (nullif(age, 'NaN')::decimal) <= 44) then 1 else 0 end) end))/cast(count(*) as decimal(5,2)))*100,1) as case5,"+ "round((sum((case when age IS NULL or age = '' then 0 else (case when((nullif(age, 'NaN')::decimal) >=45 and (nullif(age, 'NaN')::decimal) <=65) then 1 else 0 end) end))/cast(count(*) as decimal(5,2)))*100,1) as case6, "+ "round((sum((case when age IS NULL or age = '' then 0 else (case when((nullif(age, 'NaN')::decimal) >65) then 1 else 0 end) end))/cast(count(*) as decimal(5,2)))*100,1) as case7 from " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di "+where+"&api_key="+cdaSettings.cartodb.api_key, dataType: 'jsonp', crossDomain: true, success: function(data) { _.each(data.rows, function(datum) { /* [datum.case1+"%", datum.case1], [datum.case2+"%", datum.case2], [datum.case3+"%", datum.case3], [datum.case4+"%", datum.case4], [datum.case5+"%", datum.case5], [datum.case6+"%", datum.case6]*/ var neighborhood = getQueryVariable('neighborhood'); var categories = new Array(); var labelColors = new Array(); if(datum.case1!==0){ if(neighborhood=='Lawndale' ){ categories.push(new Array('12 OR

'+datum.case1+"%",datum.case1)); }else if(neighborhood=='Little+Village' ){ categories.push(new Array('12 OR YOUNGER
'+datum.case1+"%",datum.case1)); }else{ categories.push(new Array('12 OR YOUNGER
'+datum.case1+"%",datum.case1)); } labelColors.push('#debd20'); } if(datum.case2!==0){ if(neighborhood==''||neighborhood=='Back+of+the+Yards' || neighborhood=='Calumet+Heights'|| neighborhood=='Auburn+Gresham'||neighborhood=='Englewood'|| neighborhood=='North+Lawndale' || neighborhood=='Washington+Park' || neighborhood=='Ashburn'|| neighborhood=='Belmont+Cragin'|| neighborhood=='Grand+Crossing'|| neighborhood=='Greater+Grand+Crossing' || neighborhood=='Humboldt+Park'|| neighborhood=='New+City'|| neighborhood=='South+Shore' || neighborhood=='Uptown' || neighborhood=='West+Pullman' || neighborhood=='Woodlawn'){ categories.push(new Array('13-17
'+datum.case2+"%",datum.case2)); }else{ categories.push(new Array('13-17

'+datum.case2+"%",datum.case2)); } labelColors.push('#5194ad'); } if(datum.case3!==0){ if(neighborhood=='Calumet+Heights'||neighborhood=='Englewood' ||neighborhood=='North+Lawndale' || neighborhood=='Washington+Park' ){ categories.push(new Array('18-24

'+datum.case3+"%",datum.case3)); }else if(neighborhood=='Pullman'){ categories.push(new Array('18-24'+datum.case3+"%",datum.case3)); }else{ categories.push(new Array('18-24

'+datum.case3+"%",datum.case3)); } labelColors.push('#3a7646'); } if(datum.case4!==0){ if(neighborhood=='Back+of+the+Yards'|| neighborhood=='Auburn+Gresham'){ categories.push(new Array('25-34

'+datum.case4+"%",datum.case4)); }else{ categories.push(new Array('25-34

'+datum.case4+"%",datum.case4)); } labelColors.push('#b20017'); } if(datum.case5!==0){ if(neighborhood=='Back+of+the+Yards' || neighborhood=='Auburn+Gresham'||neighborhood=='Englewood'||neighborhood=='South+Lawndale' || neighborhood=='Washington+Park'|| neighborhood=='Gage+Park'){ categories.push(new Array('35-44
'+datum.case5+"%",datum.case5)); }else{ categories.push(new Array('35-44

'+datum.case5+"%",datum.case5)); } labelColors.push('#57490c'); } if(datum.case6!==0){ if(neighborhood=='Greater+Grand+Crossing' || neighborhood=='Uptown'){ categories.push(new Array('45-64

'+datum.case6+"%",datum.case6)); }else{ categories.push(new Array('45-64
'+datum.case6+"%",datum.case6)); } labelColors.push('#383662'); } if(datum.case7!==0){ categories.push(new Array('65+
'+datum.case7+"%",datum.case7)); labelColors.push('#f17544'); } Highcharts.setOptions({colors:labelColors}); chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'age-breakdown', plotBackgroundColor: null, plotBorderWidth: null, plotShadow: false, spacingLelft: 0, events:{ load : function(){ //$('#age-breakdown path').attr('stroke-width',0) //alert($('.highcharts-data-labels g').attr('transform','translate(150,150)')) } } }, title: { text: '' }, tooltip: { enabled:false }, exporting: { buttons: { printButton:{ enabled:false }, exportButton: { enabled:false } } }, plotOptions: { pie: { allowPointSelect: true, cursor: 'pointer', dataLabels: { color: '#000000', distance: 25, connectorColor: '#cccccc', formatter: function() { /*if(this.y>15){ this.point.dataLabels.distance = -10; }else{ this.point.dataLabels.distance = 10; }*/ return ''+ +'
'; } } } }, credits: { enabled: false }, series: [{ type: 'pie', name: 'Browser share', data: categories, pointHeight: 20 }] }); }); } }); //time-of-occurance $.ajax({ url: cdaSettings.cartodb.base_url+"?q="+ "select sum(morning) as morning,sum(midday) as midday,sum(evening) as evening from " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di "+where+"&api_key="+cdaSettings.cartodb.api_key, dataType: 'jsonp', crossDomain: true, success: function(data) { _.each(data.rows, function(datum) { $('#time-of-occurance .num:eq(0)').html(datum.morning); $('#time-of-occurance .num:eq(1)').html(datum.midday); $('#time-of-occurance .num:eq(2)').html(datum.evening); var total = (datum.morning+datum.midday+datum.evening) $('#explore-murder-type .info').html('* Calculations based off of '+total+' reported times of death.') }); } }); //chicago-murders by month $.ajax({ url: cdaSettings.cartodb.base_url+"?q="+ "select sum(case when extract(month from date_backup)=1 then 1 else 0 end) as Jan,"+ "sum(case when extract(month from date_backup)=2 then 1 else 0 end) as Feb, "+ "sum(case when extract(month from date_backup)=3 then 1 else 0 end) as Mar, "+ "sum(case when extract(month from date_backup)=4 then 1 else 0 end) as Apr, "+ "sum(case when extract(month from date_backup)=5 then 1 else 0 end) as May, "+ "sum(case when extract(month from date_backup)=6 then 1 else 0 end) as Jun, "+ "sum(case when extract(month from date_backup)=7 then 1 else 0 end) as Jul, "+ "sum(case when extract(month from date_backup)=8 then 1 else 0 end) as Aug, "+ "sum(case when extract(month from date_backup)=9 then 1 else 0 end) as Sep, "+ "sum(case when extract(month from date_backup)=10 then 1 else 0 end) as Oct, "+ "sum(case when extract(month from date_backup)=11 then 1 else 0 end) as Nov, "+ "sum(case when extract(month from date_backup)=12 then 1 else 0 end) as Dec "+ "from " + table_prefix + "homicide_20130104_di "+where+"&api_key="+cdaSettings.cartodb.api_key, dataType: 'jsonp', crossDomain: true, success: function(data) { _.each(data.rows, function(datum) { Highcharts.setOptions({ colors: ['#B20017','#B20017'] }); chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'murders-by-month', zoomType: 'x', spacingRight: 20 }, title: { text:'' }, xAxis: { tickWidth:0, minorTickWidth:0, tickPosition:'inside', startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, categories: [ 'JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT', 'NOV', 'DEC' ], plotLines: [{ value: 0, width: 0, color: '#ffffff' }], minPadding:2, gridLineWidth:0, minorGridLineWidth:0, labels: { y:10, style: { fontFamily: '"Titillium Web",Arial', fontWeight:700, } } }, exporting: { buttons: { printButton:{ enabled:false }, exportButton: { enabled:false } } }, yAxis: { title: { text: '' }, labels: { y:10, style: { fontFamily: '"Titillium Web",Arial', fontWeight: 700 } }, tickWidth:0, gridLineWidth: 0, minorGridLineWidth: 0, lineWidth: 1, showFirstLabel: false, plotLines: [{ value: 0, width: 0, color: '#ffffff' }] }, tooltip: { shared: true }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: false }, plotOptions: { area: { fillColor:'#e7ced1', lineWidth: 2, marker: { enabled: false, states: { hover: { enabled: true, radius: 1 } } }, shadow: false, states: { hover: { lineWidth: 3 } }, threshold: null, padding:2 }, }, series: [{ type: 'area', name: 'death', data: [ datum.jan,datum.feb,datum.mar,datum.apr,datum.may,datum.jun,datum.jul,datum.aug,datum.sep,datum.oct,datum.nov,datum.dec ], lineWidth:4 }] }); }); } }); }; init_funcs['tall'].push([explore_tall,'']); init_funcs['default'].push([explore_default,'']); $(window).resize(); // render_chart(); }); var explore_tall = function(){ $('#murder-breakdown').css('width','620px'); $('#murder-breakdown').css('height','326px'); $('#murder-breakdown').css('float','none'); $('#murder-breakdown').css('margin','0'); $('#murder-breakdown').css('position','relative'); $('#murder-breakdown').css('left','-10px'); $('#explore-murder-type.column2').css('width','600px'); $('#murders-by-month').css('width','600px'); $('#murders-by-month').css('min-width','600px'); $('#explore-murders-by-month').css('margin-top','15px'); $('#explore-murder-by-day.column2').css('min-width','600px'); $('#time-of-occurance').css('margin-left','auto'); $('#time-of-occurance').css('margin-right','auto'); $('#time-of-occurance').css('width','420px'); render_chart(); }; var explore_default = function(){ $('#murder-breakdown').css('width','700px'); $('#murder-breakdown').css('height','380px'); $('#murder-breakdown').css('float','right'); $('#murder-breakdown').css('position','static'); $('#explore-murder-type.column2').css('width','419px'); $('#explore-murders-by-month').css('margin-top','0px'); $('#murders-by-month').css('width','800px'); $('#murders-by-month').css('min-width','800px'); $('#explore-murder-by-day.column2').css('min-width','419px'); render_chart(); };